Bone Marrow Evaluation

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Bone Marrow Evaluation

Bone marrow is located at the base of large bones in the body and serves as a source of blood cell development in our circulatory system. Bone marrow assessment is a specialised technique that requires skilled physicians who have been trained to perform it. It entails pathological examination of a bone marrow aspirate.It is used to diagnose a variety of haematological and non-haematological diseases, such as acute and chronic leukemias, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and other associated diseases. Such an examination is essential for the correct diagnosis of the disease and the provision of appropriate care to the patient. At Elite Hemat Oncocare Centre,our highly qualified consultants with a particular interest in haemato-oncology, efficiently conduct this procedure and diagnose certain conditions in our state-of-the-art in-house pathology lab before treating patients.

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